(Chinese version)
Y. Kang and W. Ying
1. Text
2. Discussion
3. FAQ
4. New Evidences
1. Text
To be happy is easy if we know:
No.1. Valid Happiness (including valid: love, sense of beauty, symbiosis (conscience, moral encouraging, upholding justice, helping and teaching others as well as vice versa,....) bravery, competition, curiosity,....) must be the feeling of things going a step better for propagation as well as the feeling encouraged to go further towards to our propagation.
(It is confirmation and encouragement for what has been done. It must not last long or there will no progress any further.)
No.2. Well-being is the ongoing feeling of things going well for our propagation.
No.3. Valid Suffering (including valid hate, ugliness, ....) is the feeling of things being harmful to our propagation and calling us for taking measure to prevent or rectify or remedy it.
(It must last long enough for the completion of the remedy --- the origin of wisdom and the cause of evolution)
No.4. Soul (including: inspiration, intuition, personality,....) is the computation results of both our instinct and pre- instinct data-programs in our brain.
(Thinking runs our brain and brain runs the body)
No.5. Life goal is to propagate.
(The origin of all kinds of things in human world)
All these above are our instincts (our ancestors’ successful experiences saved on DNA).
[Book, Ch.1-6 *]
Socrotes's happy pig is to act entirely on instincts. (Instinct No.1-5)
Plato's the truth, the good and the beautiful run on instincts. (Instinct No.1,5)
Confucius' virtue and morality do, too. (Instinct No.1)
Aristotle's activity of soul in accord means the same. (Instinct No.4)
Tal ben Shahar's 6 points for happiness do as well. (Instinct No.1-5)
Babies, children …. instinctively eat, play(learn), …for their propagation in future.
[No.1-5; Book, Ch.1 *]
Being in love is instinctively in the process of carefully matching of the couple’s instinct data-programs (intuition, feeling, soul,…) and their acquired pre-instinct data-programs (knowledge, statuses, accuracy,….) for their propagation.
[No.1-5; Book, Ch.6 *]
A couple of spouses is instinctively one bio-entity integrated spiritually in order to propagate.
(Obviously, the dystaxia of the bio-entity or marriage includes: boredom, bicker, quarrel, ... divorce.)
[No. 1-5; Book, Ch.6 *]
The old instinctively enjoy taking care of their offspring for their propagation.
[No.1-5; Book, Ch.6 *]
Friends are the essential members of our symbiotic group.
Moral, conscience, justice, helping others… are instincts for maintenance of our symbiotic group.
Both are our instincts.
[No.1; Book, Ch.5 *]
Each thing has its own optimal point. Being not up to or going beyond the point is harmful.
For people, the optimal point is 10,000-years-ago norm in most cases.
[Book, Ch.1*]
The optimal point of wealth is not being rich but passably well-to-do. (e.g. Bill Gates after 2008)
[Book, Ch.1*]
Invalid wealth or economy booming is the one that goes beyond its optimal point.
It will hurt our propagation and quickly exhaust the resources of our only planet making disasters to our offspring
The sense of beauty must be the feeling of things being in favor of our propagation.
Or, mankind can not survive long.
[Book, Ch.6,p.136*]
Our health, beauty/handsome, and gamboling long life are based on 10,000-years-ago norm:
Eat and "drink" living cells almost exclusively,
exercise exhaustively each day,
sleep 12 hrs a night,
tense short and relax long.
So, you can be never fat but smart!
Because all these are determined by our instinct lifestyle.
[Book, Ch.1-6 *]
The 10,000-years-ago norm is based on instincts.
The instincts run our thinking.
The thinking runs our brain.
The brain runs our body.
[Book, Ch.1-6 *]
* W. Ying, 2004,《吃、喝、穿、住、其他:康乐简则》(Eat, Drink, Wear, Dwell, etc.: An Easy Rule for Happy Health)(in Chinese, to be pun;ished in English) Jerry&Harry /He Co. ISBN 9780977186105 or dawn load free: http://www.geocities.com/happy_wellness/HappyWellness1stEdtion.pdf.
Balanced diet is specifically the diet being up to the 10,000-years-ago norm.
Essential exercise is the exercise that matches the 10,000-years-ago norm in style, intensity, duration, and the environment.
The best environment protection standards must be the 10,000-years-ago norm.
The highest happiness index must meet the norm of 10,000-years-ago.
Invalid happiness is the happiness that does not meet the 10,000-years-ago norm.
2. Discussion
Q81: Is evil an instinct nature of human being?
A: Yes, when it is out of the symbiotic aggregate. And the good is also the human instinct nature when inner the aggregate. [Instinct No.1 and No.3]
Q82:Is there little evolution since 10,000 years ago?
A: Yes, very little. Because human living conditions have been getting better and better, and thus there is no needs for evolution. [My blog, "Need-led Evolution", Mutation due to adversity]
Q83: Why few people like to plug into Robert Nozick's experience machine?
A. Because it does not meet the 10,000-years-ago norm. [My book, p. 136, the sense of beauty ]
Q84: Happiness is always instantaneous. Is that up to the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. Yes, it must be so. Or, people will not progress further and hence human being can not survive long. [My blog, "Happiness, Valid Or Invalid?"]
Q85: Examples for invalid economy?
A. Such as cate (including processed foods), tour, fashion, ..... [My blogs]
Q86: Why is invalid economy harmful?
A. It consumes too much ineffectively our resources and environment on the only planet, and thus make survival problems for our offspring in the near future. [My blogs]
Q87: Is invalid beauty/handsome cheating?
A. Yes. Because it can not transmit genetically. [My blogs]
Q88: What is the absolute standard of beauty?
A. It is in favor of our propagation. [My blogs,book p.136]
Q89: Is fen shui up to the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. No. Except a very small part of aesthetics. [My blogs]
Q90: Can horoscope meet the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. Few cases of coincidences without causality.
Q91: Does being content with one's lot meet the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. It meets only at the optimal point.
[My blog or book p.13]
Q92: Does suffering philosopher meet the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. No. Suffering makes philosopher meets the 10,000-years-ago norm.
[My blog or book p.23]
Q93: Does the beauty of Chinese flying eave meet the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. Its beauty comes from being close to the shaoe of pine which our ancestors saw frequently.
[My blog or book p.136]
Q94: Cooking with condiments. Does it meet the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. No. It blocks the function of our taste instinct (ancestors' successful experience) and leads to civilzation diseases.
[My blog or book p.26,27,32]
Q95: Why landscape is charming? Does it meet the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. Yes. It is our instinct (ancestors' successful experience). It means where the place fits the needs for our propagation. And we should live there long but not just glance it as tourist does.
[My book, p.26]
Q96: Does the bibulasity meet the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. .No. It could not be our instinct because our ancestors did not have the vessels to handle or concentrate it. Thus, it must be harmful. [My book, p.96]
Q97: Is human life run by instincts or the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. .Yes. It is by the "instinct sofware" programmed 10,000-years-ago by our ancestors. And, the very most time of life is happy if the "invalid instincts" is kept away. [My book, p.140]
Q98: Does "You are happy if you believe so" meet the 10,000-years-ago norm?
A. Yes, it is. Becuase our mind runs the "successfu instinct software" programmed by our ancestors 10,000-years-ago . Otherwise, human can not survie.
This is also why the positive psychology works.
Moreover, most of us are in a state much better than the "optimal point" of life in 10,000 years ago.
[My blog: Mini-Topic 24,"Being Happy -- Growing -- Evolving (Need-Led)"; book, p.7-13]
(To be continued)
(For Q1-80 see my blog http://blog.sina.com.cn/happywellness)
3. FAQ
FAQ1: Everything of human life is for propagation. Is there any exceptions?
A: I would appreciate it very much if you could show me any.
FAQ2: How can I get the book of 10,000-Years-Ago Norm?
A. Please down load free, click here, or buy at a shop.
PS:Book Erratum, 72页3行 “食盐”应作“钠离子”。
4. New Examples (for 10,000-years-ago norm)
2009-1-10 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Evil, Good,....Moral....." supporting:
These are instincts formed 10,000 years ago and have no relation to the religion or faith later than that time.
[Mark Hauser, Harvard University, The Futurists, Bimonthly]
2009-2-1 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Foodstuff packing,,....pregnancy....." supporting:
The foodstuffs packed with artificial materials do not meet the 10,000-years-ago norm, and therefore hurt our pregnancy.
[Thames, Jan. 29]
2009-2-4 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Traffic noise,,....heart disease....." supporting:
The noise level above that of the 10,000-years-ago norm will cause problems (heart disease).
2009-2-28 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Healthy life style....." supporting:
The diet, exercise,....approaching to the 10,000-years-ago norm will reduce cancers.
[afp Paris Feb. 26 ]
2009-3-1 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "The old,,....grandchildren...." supporting:
The old taking care of their grandchildren will instinctively make both the old themselves and their grandchildren happy, smart and healthy.
[世界报, Spain]
2009-3-6 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Modern Problem: Everyone's an Expert"
Based on 10,000-years-ag0 norm, one should believe an expert if the opinion specifically meets the norm or our instincts (ancestors successful experiences saved on our DNA) or the programs of our physiology.
[My blog; book p. 4,18,140; Jeremy Hsu, LiveScience.com]
2009-3-10 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Quickly reacting people live longer" supporting:
The healthy gather-hunter 10,000-years-ago must reacts quickly in order to survive. Hence, the 10,000-years-ago norm makes one as healthy as a hunter and thus live longer.
[Daily Telegram, Mar.8; my book ]
2009-3-21 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "The more common interests, the stabler marriage" supporting:
The husband-wife is instinctively one bio-entity connected by spirit. The more common interests, the better one entity works, the stabler the marriage.
[My book, p. 126]
2009-3-22 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Well sleeping removes diseases" supporting:
It is on the way to the sleep standard of 10,000-yaears-ago norm, which calls for 12 hrs sleeping every night without turn on any light.
[US Discover April; My blog ; book, p. 115, 116]
2009-3-24 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Well sleeping removes diseases" supporting:
It is on the way to the sleep standard of 10,000-yaears-ago norm, which calls for 12 hrs sleeping every night without turn on any light.
[My blog ; book, p. 115, 116]
2009-3-24 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.15, title: "Popularizing fast foods makes Chines children fat" supporting:
The fast foods are not up to the eating standard of 10,000-yaears-ago norm, which calls for fresh living-cell foods of low energy content (food of valid taste).
[USA Today, Mar. 16; My blog ; book, ch. 2, 3]
2009-3-26 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Too much Supplement of Vitamin E is Harmful" (Based on the data of several ten thousands of people for several years) supporting:
The eating standard of 10,000-yaears-ago norm, which calls for taking in all the vitamins and selenium from the natural fresh living-cell foods
[New York Times, Mar. 24; My book, p. 42]
2009-3-27 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Nanometer Material Technology......" (Extremely serious trouble for our health) supporting:
The standard of 10,000-yaears-ago norm calls for taking anything that did not existed 10,000 years ago with extreme care because our DNA does not have the programs inherited from our ancestors to successfully deal with them.]
[Guardians, Mar. 26; My book, p. 4, 140]
2009-3-28 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Drinking Hot Tea May Induce Throat Cancer " supporting:
There was no hot tea 10,000-yaears-ago, and thus our instincts can not adapt the hot tea. Because our DNA does not have the programs inherited from our ancestors to successfully deal with it.
[ My book, p. 4, 140]
2009-4-1 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.5, title: ".....the Deaths of Soccer Fans" supporting:
According to the 10,000-yaears-ago norm, the cause of soccer fans is obviously the invalid instinct of hunting. It is absolutely not wise to be a soccer fan for such a feeling of an invalid instinct.
[ My book, p. 4, 140]
2009-4-1 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.15, title: ".....the Pressure of Study in School Hurts Student Mental Health" supporting:
According to the 10,000-yaears-ago norm, people must be relaxed for the majority of life. No wonder that the students under high tension suffer from psychosis.
2009-4-4 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Human Heart Cell Can Regenerate" supporting:
The conceopt of "need-led growing" works. And, most diseases can cure themselve spontateniously if the exercise and environment are close to the 10,000-yaears-ago norm.
[Reuters, April 2; Science, Jonas Frisén]
[ My book, p. 4, 140]
2009-4-5 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息), p.7, title: "Music Can Alleviate the Sequela of Stroke" supporting:
It should be so if music is the acoustic form of our physiological programs according to the 10,000-yaears-ago norm. It is just like the restallation of a computer program.
[Spain 国家报,April, 3; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences]
[ My book, p. 4, 136(the sense of beauty) , 140]
2009-4-5 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),1, p.7, title: "On Attraction" supporting:
Based on the 10,000-yaears-ago norm, obviously beauty/handsome/smart is the feeling of favorable calculation results of human instinctive data-programs. It does not come from the conscious part of our brain, and thus it is attraction, charming, unpredictable, unconscious, .....
[Spain 趣味 Monthly] [ My book, p. 4, 136(the sense of beauty) , 140]
2009-4-5 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),2, p.7, title: "On Attraction" (...the attraction is so strong to make your heart powerfully beating... and no psychologists can explain it) supporting:
Based on the 10,000-yaears-ago norm, obviously the strong attraction is the feeling of very favorable calculation results of the calculation of your instinctive data-programs. It needs take action immediately, so your heart must be beating powerfully in order to act on your propagation of offspring---the most important job of your life.
[Spain 趣味 Monthly] [ My book, p. 4, 8, 136(the sense of beauty) , 140]
2009-4-6 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.6, title: "Physical training can raise the recognizability of children" supporting:
Based on the need-led growth of 10,000-yaears-ago norm, obviously the highly activated brain at hunting must increase the recognizability. .
[ My book, p. 4, 9, 122, 140]
2009-4-6 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.7, title: "Being far from the nature may cause psychological troubles" (People relax more being in the nature than watching TV) supporting:
Based on the 10,000-yaears-ago norm, obviously the very high resolution of human being can distinguish accurately which environment is safer(relaxed) , real nature or TV picture.
[ My book, p. 4, 28, 103, 140]
2009-4-7 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.6, title: "Cosmetic treatment goes to toddler girls that worries people" supporting:
Based on the 10,000-yaears-ago norm, obviously cosmetic treatment is cheating that hurts both the active and the passive partes. Because it is almost all invalid happiness and invalid suffering. (Wasting money and time, toxic, wrong matching of pauses and thus weakening offsprings)
[ My book, p. 4, 17, 136, 140]
2009-4-7 Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.6, title: "Father of Emotional Quotient proposes Ecological quotient" supporting:
It is obviously the ecological quotient is just the recognizability of the 10,000-years-ago norm. (sensibility of the validity of happiness)
[ My book, p. 4, 21, 140]
2009-4-7, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.7, title: "Scientists discover the intelligent centers of human brain" supporting:
By 10,000-years-ago norm, it is just the physical locations of instinct data-programs and pre-instinct data-programs.
[ My book, p. 7-13]
2009-4-8, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.7, title: "Scientists show that poverty hurts children's memory" supporting:
By 10,000-years-ago norm, most of the poor people have gone beyond the optimal point of wealth. Therefore, the so called poverty is the result of invalid competition which keeps their children at tension too strong to be relaxed necessarily for memory.
[ My book, p. 14]
2009-4-10, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.6, title: "To be parents needs new relation between husband and wife " supporting:
By 10,000-years-ago norm, the ultimate goal of human life must be to raise children rather that to compete in trivial things other than this invalidly or far beyond their opitimal points.
[ My book, p. 14]
2009-4-10, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.7, title: "Brown fat loses your weight" supporting:
By 10,000-years-ago norm, it is almost impossible to lose weight this way because of the extremely complexidy and accuracy of human physiology. The only practical and healthy way to lose weight must be to live as close to the norm as possible. We will see.
[ My book, p. 14,28]
By 10,000-years-ago norm, it must be so because most majority of data determing the match of a couple is the instinct data-programs saved in our genes rather than the acquired ones after birth.
By 10,000-years-ago norm, it is entirely invalid suffering because their wealth is far above the optimal point required by our instincts. The invalid competition should be blamed.
[My blog; book p. 14, 140]
2009-4-11, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.6, title: "Promotion hurts health " (becuase of 10% more tension after promotion) supporting:
By 10,000-years-ago norm, people should be relaxed most of time but strained less, otherwise can not be healthy.
[My blog; book p. 14, 28,140]
2009-4-12, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.7, title: "Why continence is not inherited " supporting:
By 10,000-years-ago norm, all the physiological function and emotions are controlled by instincts. However, continence is only the reasoning done by acquired data-programs.
[My blog "pre-instinct";book p. 4,14,140]
By 10,000-years-ago norm, the material is much more than the "optimal quantity" now, and thus the happiness we have already become mostly invalid.
2009-4-14, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.6, title: "Over medical treatment became serious in Asia" supporting:
By 10,000-years-ago norm, everything has its optimal point and there is no exception to medial treatment either.
By 10,000-years-ago norm, obviously the healthy environment must be that of 10,000 years ago -- zero pullution (the "optimal point" of environment). It is determined by our instincts (ancestors' successful experiences saved on DNA) . No change can be made but modifying our DNA.
By 10,000-years-ago norm, obviously altruism is the instinct (ancestors' successful experince) of the rule of symbiosis of human aggregate.
By 10,000-years-ago norm, obviously bilingual environment requires double capacity for handling pre-instinct data-programs of language in babies' brain. Naturally, their brains have to develop faster.
By 10,000-years-ago norm, obviously gene can be changed by needed repetitive process by need-led evolution.
Obviously this is because our ancestors' speedup for hunting or fighting 10,000 years ago requires their brain being highly excited to cope with the fast changing situation. It saved on our gene or DNA.
[My blog; book p. 4,7,140] .
2009-4-19, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.6, title: "We have forgot how to play” (TV, computer game,....spoil keds' morality) supports:
By 10,000-years-ago norm, TV or computer game can never substitute kids' play with real live friends. This is obviously because the ultra-high accuracy of human morality (ancestors successful experiences of symbiosis).
[My blog; book. p.4,9(adaptation sentence),28(huamn accuracy),140; Peter Gray, Boston College] .
2009-4-20, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.7, title:“Mirthful laughter remains good medicine” . According our instincts (ancestors succesful experineces saved on DNA) or 10,000-years-ago norm, laughter means happy(valid); happiness means to go further to propagate; to propagate needs and makes healthy body. Thus, happiness instinctively heals. Otherwise, mankind can not survive
2009-4-20, Cankao Xiaoxi (参考消息),p.7, title:“Brain is more smart in raining days” (data show so).
Based on 10,000-years-ago norm, obviously this is due to our instincts (ancestors succesful experineces saved on DNA) . In raining days, our ancestors could not go out for haunt-gathering and hence the "CPU" of brain could fully focus on the current work. Naturlly, it is more smart than otherwise.
Based on 10,000-years-ago norm, obviously it is going to the"invalid consumption by saving" from the "invalid consumption in debt", a great step closer to the 10,000-years-ago norm.
[拙博;拙书 p. 4,13,140; New York times, April 19, 2009. Rechard Stevenson] .
Based on the 10,000-years-ag0 norm, this is obviously due to the instinct (ancestors' successful experiences saved on DNA). This is because in our symbiotic society both in anciant or present time, the positive roles are always in favor of our survival but the negative roles do not. Everybody wants survival.
[My blog; book p. 4,13,15,140; livescience.com April 15, 2009] .
By 10,000-years-ago norm, it is obvious that human instinctly dislike monotonous work because our ancestors’ hunt-gathering never was monotonous. Only in the non-monotonous style our physiology works well and thus more productively.
Based on 10,000-years-ago norm, human can not adapt to the newly synthesiaed chemicals, with which no programs from our DNA can cope.
So, it should be banned.
[My blog; book p. 4,6,24,140; Reuturs, Jeneva, May 4] .
(See the back numbers: http://blog.sina.com.cn/happywellness in Chinese)
Copyright 2008-2009 Jerry He and Harry He All rights reserved .
Handsome gay men are happy yet they don't propagate.
回复删除Happiness comes from the ability to gain flow/freedom/control in our lives.